Category Archives: Անգլերեն
Կարդա տեքստը, դուրս գրիր անծանոթ բառերը և կատարիր առաջադրանքերը։
storekeeper, useful, foolish
Կապույտ գույնով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա և ապառնի ժամանակաձևերով։
Farmer Jones wanted to buy some things at a store. ֊Farmer Jones wants to buy some things at a store. Farmer Jones will want buy some things at a store.
The storekeeper had a lot of bicycles in the store and he wanted to sell one to the farmer.֊The storekeeper had a lot of bicycles in the store and he wants to sell one to the farmer. The storekeeper had a lot of bicycles in the store and he will to want sell one to the farmer.
Գրիր կարմիր գույնով նշված բառերի անցյալը։ sell֊sold, ride-rode, think-thought, know-knew, smile-smiled
Դուրս գրիր գոյականները և բայերը:
wanted, farmerLook, sell, bicycles, storekeeper, store
Farmer Jones wanted to buy some things at a store. The storekeeper had a lot of bicycles in the store and he wanted to sell one to the farmer. “Look here, farmer Jones,” he said. “I can sell you a very good bicycle and you can ride around your farm on it every day.”
“Oh, no,” said the farmer. “I don’t want a bicycle. I think a cow is more useful and the price is just the same.”
“But just think,” said the storekeeper, “you can’t ride round the town on a cow. That’s foolish”
“Oh, I don’t know which is more foolish,” answered the farmer with a smile, “to ride on a cow or to milk a bicycle.”
Կարդա տեքստը, դուրս գրիր անծանոթ բառերը և կատարիր առաջադրանքերը։
Կապույտ գույնով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա և ապառնի ժամանակաձևերով։
Farmer Jones wanted to buy some things at a store.
Farmer Jones will want to Buy some things at a store.
Farmer Jones wants to Buy some things at a store.
The store keeper had a lot of bicycles in the store and he wanted to sell one to the farmer.
The store keeper will have a lot of bicycles in the store And he will want to sell one to the.
The store keeper has a lot of bicycles in the store And he wants to sell one to the.
Գրիր կարմիր գույնով նշված բառերի անցյալը։
Դուրս գրիր գոյականները և բայերը.
Put the verbs into correct tense /Present, Present Continuous, Past and Future Tenses/
Julia reading /read/ in the garden.
What do we haveing for dinner tonight?
She has /have/ two sons.
I stayed /stay/ in Spain for 3 weeks last summer.
The class begines /begin/ at 9 every day.
What are you eating /you eat/ at the moment?
Next year we shall have /have/ a new house.
She met /meet/ her friends at her birthday party last month.
2.Put some, any, many, much.
She has ….books /some, any/
I spend … days here. /many, much/
Do you have …. Brothers? /some, any/
There are too ….students in the class. /many, much/
He hasn’t got ….friends. /some, any/
We didn’t earn … money this year. /many, much/
There are ….flowers here. /some,any
There were cars on the road. Much /many
Please give me … water. /some, any/
I am sorry, I don’t have … time /many, much/
I love the Gegharkunik region. We have a summer house there where we go to rest and work. We take care of the trees there, often go to picnics and play, and have armies and ball games there.
A a women did Not go shopping to the market with her small son One Day.
The man liked the small boy,
did the man like the small boy.
The men did nor like the small boy.
The boy went up to the box of cherries.
Did the boy go up to the box of cherries.
The boy did Not go up to the box of cherries.
The man took a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy.
Did the man take a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy
The man did Not take a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy
Գրիր հետևյալ ածականների համեմատության աստիճանները /bad, big, comfortable, happy, fat, wonderful, interesting/
Օրինակ.՝ small-smaller-the smallest
good-better-the best
beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful
Big-bigerr-the biges
Comfortable-more comfortable-the most comfortable.
Fat-fatter- the fattest
Wonderful-More wonderful-the most wonderful.
Interesting- more interesting-the most interesting.
Abaut London
Britain isn’t working well for many of us right now. The cost of energy, housing, and food are too high, while decent jobs with real prospects are hard to come by.
It wasn’t always like this. British science and engineering shaped the modern world. We built the first railways, first coal-fired power station, and split the atom. Life got better in Britain because of it.
- Britain Remade is a campaign that believes we can do it again. We will advocate on your behalf and put forward practical ideas to make sure new industries are built in Britain.
“It is a story about a village boy.
There was a boy in the village, he was doing tricks on his parents. his mother in the village also helped him, and gave him hope that everything would work out, she said, «I agree, it will work out for me, and he does the work, and suddenly one day he decided to rest a little and continued the work again, but his father saw and got angry even they took him to a room they gave him things to clean and ordered to clean the whole room. Mother saw and decided to help him she went to that room with the boy they decided to clean. When they finished mother left and father came and said to clean the other room, the boy was crying and cleaning but he was happy with himself. 10 years passed, the boy had grown up quite a bit, he had old parents and they were very sick when their son took them to the hospital, the doctors said they could treat only one, you had to choose father or mother, he thought in his mind that if he chooses father he will do too much work and if mother he will live very well, the boy chose his mother and they treated his mother.